Package frc.robot
package frc.robot
ClassesClassDescriptionLimelightHelpers provides static methods and classes for interfacing with Limelight vision cameras in FRC.Encapsulates the state of an internal Limelight IMU.Limelight Results object, parsed from a Limelight's JSON results output.Represents a Barcode Target Result extracted from JSON OutputRepresents a Neural Classifier Pipeline Result extracted from JSON OutputRepresents a Neural Detector Pipeline Result extracted from JSON OutputRepresents an AprilTag/Fiducial Target Result extracted from JSON OutputRepresents a Color/Retroreflective Target Result extracted from JSON OutputRepresents a 3D Pose Estimate.Represents a Limelight Raw Neural Detector result from Limelight's NetworkTables output.Represents a Limelight Raw Fiducial result from Limelight's NetworkTables output.